We provide apostilisation and legalisation services. While the description is provided below, we recommend contacting our team for specific cases.
Apostille: Apostille involves the legalisation of a document by certifying the authenticity of the stamps and signatory's position. It can certify both the original and a copy certified by a notary public. Documents with an apostille are valid in countries under the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961.
Legalisation: Legalisation authenticates the signature, position of the signatory, and stamp on the document. This process occurs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or diplomatic missions.
Choosing Between Legalisation and Apostille:
- Legalisation for countries not part of the 1961 Hague Convention without a legal aid treaty with Lithuania.
- Apostille for countries under the 1961 Hague Convention.
Documents That May Be Legalised and Certified by Apostille:
- Issued by state and municipal authorities, public prosecutors, judicial officers, or those executing a court order.
- Administrative documents.
- Notarial deeds.
- Official confirmations of documents signed by natural persons.
- Notarial transcripts of official documents.
For more information on approving documents, visit [Link].
Important Notes:
- All public documents issued in Lithuania and used in Convention countries must be certified with an apostille.
- An apostille does not certify document content but confirms the legal right and authority of the signer.
- Authentication by an apostille is recognized in all Convention countries without further formalities.
- Legalisation: Consular fee for legalisation of 1 document - €20 (per each stamp) + €80 service fee.
- Apostilisation: €18 apostille fee + €12 service fee.
- Machine translation post-editing (MTPE)
- Localisation
- Mobile app translation
- Proofreading and editing
- Translation of any type of documents
- Document apostille or legalisation service
- Notarisation of translations
- Medical translations
- Technical translations
- Creative translations
- Legal translations
- Financial translations
- Document collection services
- Courier services